Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jhenjipani to Panarani

Panarani was at 9008'

The toughest part was the dust on the trail, but once we camped at Pana it was worth the work for the view. This is the evening I get to learn about Conkers. The guys found chestnuts on the trail and collected the biggest ones they could find.

At tea they put cords through them and the idea is to conk your opponent's nut until it cracks. Funnier than heck to watch.

Fiona and I had our tents two levels below the obstacle course. It was a little gruesome to run in the dark because of the rocks that were hiding waiting to catch you up. The next morning I was a little wobbly on my tent exit and two little girls stopped to watch. Apparently I was so entertaining they had to sit down for the show, and didn't go until we did.

Jhenjipani to Panarani

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