Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First trip of the new year

Today kicks off the first trip away for the new year. A little late, but good to be out of the home office for a couple of days. You know about absence, the heart, and the will of a kitty...

Anyway, my trip this time is to Chicago. Possibly the first of a few between now and November to the windy city. And fraught with difficulty. My connector out of Seattle keeps changing times and locations. I decided to find a spot in the middle, do some work, and see if I can't keep a little sanity about the beeping phone. At least I'm better off than one of my co-workers who has had 4 flights today and is still where she started. She began her day thinking she'd be the first into Chicago and now is in a dead heat with me that was always to be the last in today. Which kind of makes sense because I'm the farthest away and had no direct flight to choose from. Which is funny in itself because if I wanted to go to Minneapolis I would have had to stop there but couldn't have that be my primary destination from Spokane. C'est la vie and add on an extra 1000 miles to my plan!.