Monday, September 20, 2010

New York City and other things

This week is the first of many I'll be spending in New York City. My next trip I will be staying over the weekend and so will be able to do some touristy things that will probably end up in posting of pictures. I flew into LaGuardia and the cool thing was seeing the Statue of Liberty standing out there by herself. I did not know the island was so small. It is definitely on my list to take a trip out there when I can. Also, the hospital housing looks to be within walking distance of the Opera house and the south end of Central Park. Don't worry yet Mom, I don't know how much walking I'll do. But if Ray gets to come with me at all I think the two of us could negotiate alot of the things to see without use of cab or subway. Or minimal anyways.

And then other things. It looks like my new home will be ready the day before Thanksgiving. I don't care if everything is in storage and I have to buy it at the store ready made --- I will have Thanksgiving dinner in my new home. I may have to take any leftovers back to my small apartment if my current landlord will answer the phone long enough to give me a reference for it because the refrigerator may not be delivered just yet.

And for the public part that flies: do not bathe in cologne, do not wear your shoes that you wear to work at the shit factory, do bathe, do cover your mouth when you cough, do not expect someone to change seats with you just because you did not plan ahead, and unless you really are royalty leave your need to be worshipped at home. I really don't care about how important you think you are, you're just being an egotistical shit and if I wasn't traveling for work I might even tell you to your face.